Taming the blackbody with infrared metamaterials as selective thermal emitters.

TitleTaming the blackbody with infrared metamaterials as selective thermal emitters.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2011
AuthorsX Liu, T Tyler, T Starr, AF Starr, NM Jokerst, and WJ Padilla
JournalPhysical review letters
Start Page045901
Date Published07/2011

In this Letter we demonstrate, for the first time, selective thermal emitters based on metamaterial perfect absorbers. We experimentally realize a narrow band midinfrared (MIR) thermal emitter. Multiple metamaterial sublattices further permit construction of a dual-band MIR emitter. By performing both emissivity and absorptivity measurements, we find that emissivity and absorptivity agree very well as predicted by Kirchhoff's law of thermal radiation. Our results directly demonstrate the great flexibility of metamaterials for tailoring blackbody emission.

Short TitlePhysical review letters