Interferometric direction finding with a metamaterial detector

TitleInterferometric direction finding with a metamaterial detector
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2013
AuthorsS Venkatesh, D Shrekenhamer, W Xu, S Sonkusale, W Padilla, and D Schurig
JournalApplied Physics Letters
Pagination254103 - 254103
Date Published12/2013

We present measurements and analysis demonstrating useful direction finding of sources in the S band (2-4 GHz) using a metamaterial detector. An augmented metamaterial absorber that supports magnitude and phase measurement of the incident electric field, within each unit cell, is described. The metamaterial is implemented in a commercial printed circuit board process with off-board back-end electronics. We also discuss on-board back-end implementation strategies. Direction finding performance is analyzed for the fabricated metamaterial detector using simulated data and the standard algorithm, MUtiple SIgnal Classification. The performance of this complete system is characterized by its angular resolution as a function of radiation density at the detector. Sources with power outputs typical of mobile communication devices can be resolved at kilometer distances with sub-degree resolution and high frame rates. © 2013 AIP Publishing LLC.

Short TitleApplied Physics Letters